Osman Osman

Computer Programmer Analyst

Project Status Report 3

Project Name: Kasagpan Web & Mobile App
Project Team: 4
Start Date: Feb 14, 2017 to Mar 12, 2017
Overall Project Health: 


Important milestones that occurred in the last period were the implementation of the PayPal API, Rest API, and TripAdvisor. Users can pay fees using there PayPal account. The REST API was also integrated, this API ensures Post and Get data directly from the website itself. The TripAdvisor was a challenge itself but we figured out how to incorporate it, and that was a big milestone to have achieved.


In this week, we expect to finish the Android App.  These upcoming objectives will significantly reduce the risk in this project. This is what we hope to accomplish in the next period if we complete this task.


As this is all new to us, we had not anticipated the restrictions that TripAdvisor provides. This is a risk as we have to think of a new way on how to integrate reviews in the mobile app. To solve this issue, we must research and inform our stakeholders as soon as possible.