Osman Osman

Computer Programmer Analyst

Project Vision

Kasagpan Web and Mobile Application

1. Introduction

Revision History


1.  Introduction

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Scope

1.2.1. In Scope

1.3. Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.4. References

2.  Positioning

2.1. Business Opportunity

2.2 . Problem Statement

2.3 . Product Position Statement

3.  Stakeholder and User Descriptions

3.1. Stakeholder Summary

3.2. User Summary

4.  Stakeholder Requirements

5.  System Features

6.  Assumptions

7. Constraints


1. Introduction

This document outlines the high-level needs and features of the Kasagpan Web and Mobile Application (KWMA). It focuses on the capabilities needed by the stakeholders, the target users, and why these needs exist.

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to identify and agree on the problem faced by end users and the effects of those problems on productivity and efficiency. This document is intended for the stakeholder and the developers to better understand what this application will propose. This document also helps us to collect and analyze the ideas gathered for the project in order to effectively manage the project from start through implementation.

1.2. Scope

The scope of the document encompasses all activity and components needed to implement the KWMA between customers and the Company.

1.2.1. In Scope

This Vision Document applies to the KWMA, which will be developed by Beansmeister Team. Beansmeister Team will develop the KWMA to work on Web Framework, Android and IOS Platform. The application will have a simple user interface that is easy to use. Users can view, book, update and cancel existing reservation securely through the website or through the mobile application over the internet at any time. Another key feature that will be implemented for the mobile application is users can rate or leave feedback about their experience in the hotel.

1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.4. References

2. Positioning

2.1. Business Opportunity

Developing an interaction-rich experience will drive users back and create a momentum that propels the business forward. This project will improve the user interface and user experience of Kasagpan website and further enhance the capabilities of the website. Users will expect a seamless navigation for web and a usable mobile application.

2.2. Problem Statement

3. Stakeholder and User Description

3.1. Stakeholder Summary

4. Stakeholder Requirments