Osman Osman

Computer Programmer Analyst

Analysis and Design

Kasagpan Web and Mobile Application
COMP 3059 – Capstone Project I
Software Requirements Analysis and Design


1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Scope

2. System Overview

2.1. Project Perspective

2.2. System Context

2.3. General Constraints

2.4. Assumptions and Dependencies

3. Functional Requirements

3.1. Functional Requirements

3.1.1. Guest Reservation

3.1.2. Manage Reservation

3.1.3. View Hotel Information

3.1.4. Open Social Media

3.2. Use Cases

3.3. Data Modelling and Analysis

3.4. Process Modelling

4. Non-Functional Requirements

5. Logical Database Requirements

5.1. File Format

5.2. Accessibility and Security

6. Approval



1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

Our team will be creating Kasagpan Hotel web and mobile application in order to illustrate and manage the interactions and flow of data within the business. The application will enable potential guests to navigate hotel information, book rooms, manage their booking, review their hotel experience, and share their booking through social media. This will allow the customers to confirm their reservation in real-time anywhere without having to bother with time-consuming emails, faxes and reservation staff. The website and mobile application will be updated to keep up with today’s changing technology.

1.2. Scope

The objective for completion of this project is to build a seamless and intuitive website and incorporate into android and IOS platforms. Our mission is to make sure our client is satisfied with the overall application and to solve all the problems from the existing application. The scope of this project to make sure we complete each task in order as the other tasks all depend on the previous. Benefits of using our application will maximize the guest experience by providing tools that will enhance their hotel experience. It will also be designed in a way that guest will be able to use this application to plan around their own individual needs.

2. System Overview

2.1. Project Perspective

The project perspective of this project is to replace the hotel websites’ current system, which is in need of improvements in many areas. The existing user interface was made with the use of a third party web development platform, due to this it minimizes the flexibility of the website. Our plan is to add a stylish user interface for the website and mobile integration for easy accessibility, on both Android and iOS platforms.

With the application we plan to implement, we offer comprehensive reservation confirmation information, which leaves the guests in no doubt as to the details of their booking. All this information will be displayed in the secure Hotel Database, which needs a login and password from the admin and receptionist to access.

2.2. System Context

Strategic issues in regards to the system will involve encouraging guest to use the tools given to them to enhance their booking experience. By having social media integration, it will allow the guest to network with other individuals. This system will specifically address a particular reservation and give guests the flexibility to manage their booking anytime. With this system, it will be introduced as a new way to effectively encourage guest to visit the hotel using the tools implanted within this system.

2.3. General Constraints

  • It must be implemented by April 2017
  • The platforms will be tested on existing technical infrastructures
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Database management (Users may spam/overload the database with false/empty accounts) – Should be managed and functional at all times.

2.4. Assumptions and Dependencies

This project makes the following assumptions:

  • High-end computers for fast application loading and executions
  • High-speed Internet access available
  • Project information changes
  • API integration

This project is dependent on:

  • Each task must be completed before the other task starts
  • Implementation can’t start before prototyping begins
  • Testing and debugging can’t occur until a prototype has been made
  • The final application can’t be published until it meets all the criteria from the stakeholder

3. Functional Requirments

3.1. Functional Requirments

3.1.1. Guest Reservation

  • Guest must be able to reserve a room through the website or through the mobile application.

3.1.2. Manage Reservation

  • Guest must be able to view, edit and cancel their reservation through the website or the mobile application

3.1.3. View Hotel Information

  • The local map will have points of interest.
  • When a user clicks on a point of interest, basic information about the point will be displayed.
  • Rating and reviews must be displayed in the hotel web and mobile application and guest must be able to add their own review or ratings through the web and mobile application.
  • The weather must be available for guest.

3.1.4. Open Social Media

  • The user will be able to open specific social media apps from the website and the mobile application.

3.2. Use Cases

3.3. Data Modelling and Analysis

Normalized Data Model Diagram

Activity Diagrams

Sequence Diagrams

UML Class Diagram

3.4. Process Modelling

Data Flow Diagram

4. Non-Functional Requirments


  • The system must never crash.
  • The database must be up all the time.
  • Having a short time of response (380 ms per request) tested with 4000 requests at the same time, the performance has been classified as high and reliable.
  • The code must be easy to maintain.
  • A software developer must be able to correct any defects.
